Dillon is officially 6 months old, and I actually didn't cry when we reached this milestone! Dillon is about the happiest baby that I have ever seen. He loves his big brother, and Payson is a fantastic big brother. I know I posted at his 5 month birthday that we tried rice cereal, but for the past month Dillon has made it very clear to us that he hates baby food. Happy to report that starting this past weekend, Dillon actually ate sweet potatoes - and he liked it!
Dillon tipped the scale at his 6 month appointment at 20 pounds and sprouted his first two teeth this past month. Dillon has not rolled over and really does not seem interested. But, he is very interested in sitting up. I think he wants to do this so bad because he is constantly checking out what Payson is up to! Dillon is very chatty - he talks up a storm. Dillon is a good sleeper, but he does love to check in with us once a night to down an bottle and then go back to sleep! Two naps a day are necessary to a happy guy - usually a longer nap in the morning and a short one in the afternoon.
On a side note, the biggest news around Dillon's 6 month birthday is that I have decided to stop working at an office and start working full time for the boys. A huge change for the Land Family, but something that we have worked very hard for. Payson has told everyone that we will be visiting the zoo everyday, I have had to remind him many times, we will go to the zoo a lot - just not every day!