Saturday, April 2, 2011

Elephants and Giraffes - What is your favorite animal?

Ever since we have told Payson that I was not going to be going to work anymore, and instead I would be staying home with him, he has asked if we will go to the zoo everyday. Finally yesterday I was able to get both Payson and Dillon to the zoo. The weather was perfect and many school districts were on Spring Break, so finding a parking spot was tough. It was well worth it when Payson saw his two favorite animals - Elephants and Giraffes.

My favorite part of the day was eating ice cream cones!

First Trip to the Dentist - A GREAT EXPERIENCE

Payson had his first trip to the dentist the other day, and it was so much fun. The dentist was so cool, I wish I met the age limit to go to this pediatric dentist. Every one was so nice to Payson, and really all it took was showing him TVs in the ceiling showing his favorite movie - Toy Story 3 - and he was perfect in the chair. He choose to have his teeth cleaned with orange bubbles and the next morning when he woke up he asked to go back to the dentist because he wanted to choose strawberry the next time.

I know this looks a little weird with his eyes, but he was focusing on the TV, I promise!

When we left, I asked if he liked the Dentist, and his response was "I like the Dentist, he doesn't give me shots, that is a good thing."

Keystone with 2 Three Year olds.....not sure we can even call it a vacation!

We went up to Keystone with our good friends Emmie, Neil, Hudson and Grayson. Two three year olds and two six month old babies are very busy all the time. Minus Neil who just had his shoulder operated on, we were all able to get away and ski one of the days. The rest of the time was spent sledding and playing in the snow.
The boys are ready for a sledding adventure.

Dillon came out to check out the sledding advertures.

Dillon traveled in style in his own sled.

Surprisingly Emmie and I did not do to bad on the mountain!

Dillon cheered on the Jayhawks - it was a rough sunday.

Payson and Hudson were waiting for their chocolate chip cookies to come out of the oven!

BIG NEWS-----Dillon actually ate Sweet Potatoes!

Pictures in jammies are always the best!

VIsit from Cousin Owen....oh yeah, Aunt Liz too.

We were lucky enough to have Aunt Liz and Cousin Owen come for a quick visit from California. We treated Owen to a visit to Lil' Monkey Bizness. I think the long nap he took after we left was proof that he had a great time. Owen will be 1 in May, and Baby Dillon weighs more than him!