We went up to Keystone with our good friends Emmie, Neil, Hudson and Grayson. Two three year olds and two six month old babies are very busy all the time. Minus Neil who just had his shoulder operated on, we were all able to get away and ski one of the days. The rest of the time was spent sledding and playing in the snow.
The boys are ready for a sledding adventure.

Dillon came out to check out the sledding advertures.

Dillon traveled in style in his own sled.

Surprisingly Emmie and I did not do to bad on the mountain!

Dillon cheered on the Jayhawks - it was a rough sunday.

Payson and Hudson were waiting for their chocolate chip cookies to come out of the oven!

BIG NEWS-----Dillon actually ate Sweet Potatoes!

Pictures in jammies are always the best!