It is hot. I mean, 100 degrees hot. In the new house, the Payson and Dillon's room face to the west and get very HOT in the afternoon. Blackout shades have been ordered but until they arrive, we have had to come up with other ways to beat the heat!
Ice cream cones on the back patio.
Spending some time in the new backyard pool on Father's Day.
It was so hot on the way to t-ball practice we had to stop at 7-11 and get slurpees. It was a first for both the boys - Payson has had an Icee from Target, but never an official 7-11 slurpee. He informed me that it tasted almost as good as an Icee, but he was confused with the spoon straw. When he first saw it he thought I had given him a broken straw! Dillon on the other hand, had no complaints and loved his slurpee!
Todd and I are able to get out and have a date! We love the boys and love doing so many things with them, but every once in awhile it is nice for Todd and I to get out and remind ourselves how much fun we have together!
Even better, we were able to get two weekends of adult only events - when does that happen???
First up - Bare Naked Ladies and Big Head Todd concert with Kirstin and Justin. The concert was amazing - Red Rocks was breathtaking and the company with some of our best friends - who could ask for anything better!
Next up - Shawna and Matt's wedding in Estes Park. A kid-free wedding, I might add. The boys had an amazing time at Nana and Grandad's house. Payson was thrilled to have Grandad take him to his t-ball game and then to see Madagascar 3. They went to a 10:30 movie and they were the only ones in the entire theater!
The summer is off to a great start. Payson is old enough this summer to compete on a T-ball team and he is loving this new activity. Todd is having a blast being an "assistant" coach. I think his biggest challenge has been to learn all of the kid's names, so for the most part he calls them "buddy". Pretty funny since it is a co-ed team!
Todd the 1st base coach giving some great coaching tips!
Payson waiting for the signal at 3rd base to run on home!
The batting order is determined by standing in numerical order. Pretty entertaining!
Next up.....Payson Land!
This past weekend the Colorado Rockies had a salute to Little League Teams. Payson and his buddies were able to walk in a parade around the field before the game started. They loved it! Even better was the fact that he was able to sit by all of his friends for the game. They did not pay one minute of attention. It was too exciting dancing with friends and eating every type of sweet that was available at the ball park!
The boys really did not pay attention to the game, but they went crazy when the Rockies scored a home run! Payson was a little unsure what to do, but the music and the crowd soon encouraged all the boys to begin dancing!
Missing nap time equalled some tired boys in the car ride home!
For a guy who no longer naps, Payson barely made it in from the car to the couch where he proceeded to sleep for another hour. I think he might be dreaming about making it into the majors some day, but he is probably thinking about all of the popcorn and peanuts he ate!
Remember when I told you about this.
Well, after setting a new record of 65 showings in 50 days, we got an offer and soon the Bucknell house was sold. We were sad to say goodbye to a great house full of many amazing memories, but knew we had many more memories to be made at our new house.
Introducing our new house - we are so excited. It has been fun to get everything settled into the new place. Of course, we have a ton of work to do. I have been busy with decorating on the inside and Todd has been busy with yard work outside. Overall the four of us have been loving the additional space we have at the new house. Interior pictures soon - just want to get a few more things done at the house!