Time for a recap of our great vacation we were able to take a few weeks ago. As we all know, I am a Disney fanatic, but that love has been passed to Payson as well. Minus the crowds, we had a great time. Payson truly believes that Mickey lives in the castle and each day I pick him up at school his teacher tells us that he still spends the majority of his day re-telling stories of his visit!
First stop on the trip....In n Out Burger - Best shakes EVER!

Next stop - meet the new cousin - baby Owen. So cute. Todd got right back into the swing of things!

After a quick visit to Pasadena, where Payson got spoiled with toys by both his Aunt and Great Aunt! We were off to Disneyland. Todd made the mistake of calling it a park - Payson flipped. IT IS NOT A PARK - it is the Mickey Mouse Castle!

Payson is definately at a stage where he it is all about doing the same thing over and over again. And man, did he love the Nemo Submarine ride, the Buzz LightYear ride, the Dumbo ride, and the "Horsies". Being 6.5 months pregnant, I did have to miss out on a few of my favorites, but luckily Todd was able to sneak off and ride them!

Meeting our friends was definately the best part of the trip!

Eating this ice cream under the fireworks display might of been my favorite part!

Overall, Todd, Payson and I had a blast - we are counting down the days until we can go again soon. Payson was a rock star - in fact, he kept going after a 14 hours day of playing - we had to tell him that his "friends" had gone to bed.
Some quick tips for you all that might consider this vacation soon - hit up a grocery store before you head to a park. Load up on Apple juice boxes. At $2/box, we spent a small fortune on those things. By staying within walking distance of the park, it was nice to be able to get back and forth from the hotel on our own agenda. The parades were all fantastic. So much, I think it actually was a little too much for Payson to see his "heros" come to life. When Lightning McQueen drove down the street Payson was so excited he ran and hide behind his stroller and peeked out!