In honor of Dillon turning 5 months old yesterday we decided to try a bowl of rice cereal. Todd and I think he was excited becuase lately he has been really interested in watching us eat. The other day he sat in my lap while I ate dinner and every time the fork went into my mouth he would laugh. It was hard to finish my meal becuase he made me laugh and choke on each bite! Regardless of Dillon being 5 months old, he has decided it is necessary to wake up many times a night - NOT COOL! So we are hoping that a full belly makes for a sleep through the night kind of baby! Keep your fingers crossed.
So excited he tried to eat his bib!

Concentrating very hard - both Dillon and Mommy

Check out those thighs - need I say more?
Looks like he enjoyed the cereal!! Hope it helped him sleep! :)