I thought it would be a great idea to plan a girls weekend getaway to Keystone. Then I found out a race would be going on that weekend and a few of us decided to participate. Jen, Meg, and I decided to run the 10k on saturday morning, and Stacey did the 5k on Sunday morning. We signed up and did not read the fine print, it was a 10k trail run. Luckily, the course had to be adjusted a few weeks before the race due to fire in Keystone. I knew we were in trouble when the race coordinator told us that the half mile between 1.5 and 2 miles was going to be straight uphill and we would all have to walk. YIKES - and for the record I did have to walk half of it!
Yes...this is the hill.

I have to say, this was the prettiest race bib I have ever received.
But.....if lost in a ditch, please contact Todd.
We were all ready for the race - never mind that we were running at 9300 feet.
Crossing the finish line...
Way to Rock the 5k Stacey!
The free beer at the end of the race tasted great!

Thanks Todd for being a wonderful Daddy all weekend long. I promise I am not laughing at him, but I am laughing with him. I have to document these two stories.
1. Saturday Todd had to take the boys to a birthday party at Monkey Bizness. I had purchased the present, wrapped it, and placed it by the garage door. Unfortunately the present never made it to the party. Fortunately, the birthday boy lives nearby and Todd was able to drop it off later.
2. Sunday Todd decided to take the boys to the Zoo. In the rush to get out the door, Payson loaded himself into the car. When Todd arrived at the zoo and went to get Payson out of the car, he THEN realzed that Payson had no shoes on. Thank goodness the zoo gift shop sells shoes. I was shocked, but they do!
Ok....I could not really do a post without the boys. Payson can really make Dillon laugh. Check out this quick video!