A man after my own heart - he loves the candy store in the mountains!
Payson and I went on a date to see Cars 2 in 3D - pretty cool!

Just chillin' with Dillon in the hamock!

When needing a nap, just curl up in the wagon!
Wow - what a wild and crazy four day weekend! We had so much fun - Todd had Friday off and after a 9 month dr. appointment for DIllon he and the boys headed to Keystone. I had 48 hours to relax, watch movies, clean the house, and attend a friend's wedding. After the wedding I headed up to join the boys in Keystone. In Keystone we went out on the paddle boats, played by the river, tried to fish, and RELAXED.
Wow - somehow we did not get the memo that we were not invited to the Royal wedding, but instead to Paul and Sara's. Oh well, big hats were necessary!
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