-I had asked Payson to pick up a puzzle that was on the floor all afternoon, finally I said to him "Get your tail down here and pick up this puzzle." Payson responded with "I don't have a tail, you need to say, get your booty down here to pick up the puzzle."
-I needed to put Dillon down to make a bottle and I knew he was not going to be happy about that. So I told Payson to play with him. I set Dillon down, he started crying and Payson starting patting him on the back repeating - " It's ok Dillon, there is no such thing as monsters.".
-Getting out of the car at Costco the other day Payson was standing next to me while I unbuckled Dillon from his seat. I am looking in the car when Payson starts pulling at me and saying"Look at that man Mommy, he came to Costco and only bought Beer." I turn and look at a man loading his car of only suitcases of Coors Light from his cart. It would of been fine if Payson would not of kept repeating "Why did that man only buy Beer at Costco?" over and over again.
-In the bath the other night Payson and I counted to 50. When we were done Payson asked me if 50 was the last number to ever count to.
-Reading Nursery Rhymes to Dillon, Payson was very upset with Rock a Bye Baby. When I asked why he did not like this rhyme he asked "Does someone come pick up that baby when it comes crashing to the ground?"
-Todd put Payson to bed a few nights ago and Payson has become the King of stalling. He was working Todd for awhile before Todd told him enough. He responded back that he had to do one more then before he went to sleep. Todd asked him what, and he said - "I need to yawn and then I will go to sleep.".
-As I mentioned, Payson likes to get out of bed a few times after we leave him to check on what we are doing. Todd and I have had to come up with some pretty strong threats to keep him in his bed. The other day I put him down for a nap and I said, "I love you, I will come get you in a little bit." Payson replied, "Are forgetting to tell me something, are you forgetting to tell me to not get out of bed?"
-The boys and I went to the mall the other day and it was very crowded. I was circling around looking for a parking space when Payson exclaims from the back seat - "I can't believe we can't find a parking spot, doesn't everyone know we need to shop at the mall. I love shopping at the mall.".
-If you spend any time with Payson you know he has an amazing memory - he does not forget anything. The other day he brought up a small detail of something that happened over 10 months ago. When I asked him how he remembered that, his response was - "I remembered because I am smart." Enough said.
-Payson called for me to come see him in the family room, when I got there he told me that he needed a favor from me. I asked him what he needed and he told me that he needed a favor of me to pick up all of the toys on the floor so he did not have to.
Some great pictures to see what a crazy kid Payson is. He is now doing things and then asking me to go get my camera to take his picture.
Todd had to go to Chicago so Payson built him a family with Mr. Potato Head. He asked for me to take a picture for Todd and of course he had to pose in the picture also!
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