The colder weather allows us to make some trips to Pump it Up. I think the boys would go every day if possible!

A favorite thing we were able to do this month was Payson and I were able to see the Broadway show of The Lion King. Payson has wanted to put on a show every day since and his favorite characters are the Hi-Ninas!
Dillon is still not walking, but getting pretty close. He is pulling himself up on everything and cruising along. He has started talking a little bit - favorite understandable words are - Mama, Dada, Ah Oh, Nana and will quack like a duck on command. My favorite is that he will blow you a kiss when you say good bye. Check out this video with his walking skills.
Payson has us cracking up almost every day. Here are a few of our favorite comments we have heard this week:
Getting dressed they other day, he checked his Transformer undies to ensure the tag was in the back. He then looked at me and said "Mommy you bought my undies and the fruit vegetable store, I like that store" I knew right away he was referring to his Fruit of the Loom tag, but I would love to visit the fruit vegetable store!
I placed some steamed green beans on Payson's dinner plate and he immediately told me that he did not like them. I pretty much ignored him, but told him to try them. He proceeded to eat everything else on his plate and then he exclaimed "Hey....I like these" I look over and he is chowing down on the veggies and asking for me. WIN - Payson is eating a green veggie!
Understanding that we go to the library weekly and check out both books and movies. Sometimes the movies are scratched and I tell Payson this is a perfect example as to why we need to treat our movies nicely and people that scratch movies are being we went to Hobby Lobby and were checking out the Christmas ornaments. Payson saw a dinosaur ornament that he liked but when we flipped it around we saw it was broken. I told Payson that it was too bad that the ornament was broken. Payson informed me that the person that broke it must be of been at the library and they were very naughty to break a video and then come to the store and break an ornament. Not really sure how Payson's mind works, but funny to see how he connects the pieces of his life together!
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