Santa truly spoiled us as you can see. The bike is Payson's 1st bike and he was so excited. As you can see from the video below he thought the bike was for Daddy. Todd was not that lucky from Santa!
This video pretty much cracks Todd and I up every time we watch this. Poor Payson he had a horrible cold for Christmas this year, and I just do not think he understood that it was actually going to be Christmas morning when he went to bed on the 24th. Dillon was up around 7:15 and the three of us waited until about 7:45 for Payson to get up. He walked into our room and wanted to know where he was going to find room in our bed to watch cartoons. Todd asked if he wanted to check to see if Santa had come, and it was all we could do to hold him back from running down the stairs.
Dillon hanging out while Todd got a few extra minutes of sleep!

Checking out the loot.

Don't forget to check out what actually was placed in our stockings!

Yes, I now have 6 feet of a 6 lane car race in my family room.

Waiting to open gifts with Nana and Grandad!
Payson loves having his own digital camera - I can not tell you how funny it is to review everything on the camera. Lots of pics of the walls and floor.
Dillon loved the wrapping paper the best!
Owen learned quickly how to open his gifts!
Dinosaurs were the theme of Christmas this year. Dillon spends the majority of his day "roaring" at us.

Think this is one happy boy?