Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Haircuts break my heart

Both Payson and Dillon have crazy hair. Todd loves it, he says that he is living vicariously through the boys. I think it is adorable also, but eventually it is time for a haircut. Of course Payson is spoiled and wants to go to the Kid's haircut places to be able to watch movies while he is getting his hair cut (read between the lines - MORE expensive!). I am fine with that, but when we go, I tell them to really cut it short. Their hair is so healthy, it grows quickly, so I say CUT IT! I say, that and then I regret it for just a few moments after their cut because they look soo old. Should of done before pics, but here are the after pics. Aren't they adorable?
Of course, the reward is always a lollipop! Our last week of June was filled with fun - Payson attended Vacation Bible School at St. Luke's. He was thrilled to be back at his preschool and they did an amazing job. At the end of the week he had a basket full of art projects and they did a musical performance that must of made the kids feel like celebrities the amount of cameras and videos was unbelievable!
One night when Todd was in Keystone I surprised the boys with a visit to their favorite place ever - The Children's Museum. Payson wants me to state, it is his favorite place in Colorado. His favorite place ever is of course - Disneyland!
A quick trip to the Apple Store proved to me that Dillon is convinced that ever screen is a touch screen. Guess I have to prep him early for success!

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