Thursday, June 5, 2014

Having Fun in January

The post holiday blues do not happen around our house.  Instead we find a lot of ways to have fun in the middle of cold January.  We kick off with celebrating my birthday.  We had a fun family dinner at one of our favorite restaurants - Merle's.

Dillon and I enjoy going to the pool some mornings while Payson is at school.  Both Payson and Dillon love to swim!

Even Disney and Brewer are FINALLY learning to co-exist with each other.  I caught them both napping near each other.  This is huge considering Disney stayed in the basement for the first three months we had Brewer.  
We managed to have lots of playdates in January.  Payson has a great friend from school, Josh, and they have a standing playdate every wednesday.  Most playdates involve costumes of some sorts, and sometimes costumes stay on while we run errands to Target!

Dillon loves to draw, and he usually demands markers and not crayons.  Except he calls them "marks"

Always fun to go to the Aquarium with Jared and Tanner and hunt for sharks!

 Fun having the Rooney boys for the evening so their parents could go out on a much needed date night.  Five guys at the dinner table while Todd was out of town.  It was a noisy dinner that night!

 All this playing called for a lot of relaxing movie nights with popcorn and Daddy - what could be better then that!

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