Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Memorial Day Weekend 2012
Keystone Mountain was our destination for Memorial Day Weekend. Sunny skies were deceiving up there, it looked great, but it was still very cold! Todd and Uncle Ryan played golf in 48 degree weather and pretty bad wind. They were so excited to get out and golf I do not think they even cared or noticed the weather!
Payson and Dillon were excited to spend the weekend with cousin Susie and cousin Porter. The four kiddos had a blast. A very LOUD blast all weekend long. The boys were excited that Nonnie and Pops were able to be up for the long weekend too. Payson gets confused on where exactly Nonnie and Pops live, so he has started to combine Ft. Collins and Keystone, and he just calls it Ft. Keystone.
The highlight of the weekend was the Fishing Derby held at Keystone Lake for the kids. Payson was thrilled to get his first fishing pole, and the kid must be a natural because he caught a fish on his very first cast!
Learning fishing tips from the pro - Daddy!
Susie looked like a true natural.
Porter was thrilled to catch his fish.
Susie was thrilled to catch a fish, but was not thrilled when people were encouraging her to kiss the fish.
Finally got a cute picture, with the hands in the pocket to avoid having to touch the fish.
Dillon and I did not have much success, but Dillon did love his new Buzz Lightyear fishing pole.
The boys and I had fun checking out some of the playgrounds in Summit County. The view from these swings is pretty amazing.
These slides were huge, and we did each one many times! Made for a great nap in the afternoon.
Daddy/Uncle Todd was great at story time each night.
Many adventures were spent with the cousins running around the backyard. It was funny to listen in on their conversations.
Giraffe Feedings and other fun times at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has become one of our favorite places to go. We were thrilled to take Nana with us this time. She had not been to this zoo in many years and was so impressed with this amazing zoo.
This first thing we always do is feed the giraffes - Dillon is getting braver about feeding the animals, and Payson loves every minute of it!
This bear was checking out both the boys for a snack!
Dillon is adorable in his hat - I love that his curls stick out the sides.
The children's Garden is the best spot to play, or even relax in the HUGE chairs.
Trying to get all three of us in one photo is not always that easy.
Dillon was not too sure about this ride at first - it went pretty fast!
But, as you can see, he loved it!
Future Ball Player in the Making
The 2012 T-Ball Season has officially begun and we are all excited. Todd and I are blown away that his team has eight games! Monday evening practices are exciting for our family. All the dads are the field during practice and all the moms are wrangling the other siblings on the nearby playground.
The team stretching before practice.
Payson's #1 Fan!
Post-practice prep talk from the coach.
The best part of t-balll - having Payson's best buddy Jake on the same team.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Moments you realize that, yes, you are the mother to two boys!
I have realized that with my two adorable boys, I really am going to have to face some of my all time fears - snakes. I hate them, but every time we go to the Denver Zoo I have to walk through the Rain Forest exhibit and check out all of the wonderful snakes. Internally I am freaking out, but I try to play it cool for Payson and Dillon.
A very loud reminder that I have two boys occurred this Mother's Day 2012. Todd and I knew we wanted to spend the day together as a family, but the weather was not nice enough for a zoo visit. We decided to visit the Nature and Science Museum, and even better the traveling exhibit just happened to be Lizards and Snakes. Photos were not allowed, but let me tell you, I did not expect to spend Mother's Day watching a 30 foot Python slither all around!
I did manage to get from Dillon a great impression of a snake. Personally I think Dillon is much cuter!
The boys - including Todd had a great time in the space exhibit.
Another fun place the boys and I checking out a few weeks ago was the Denver Firefighter's Museum. The Museum is full of many interesting facts regarding Firefighters, but really, when there is a full size fire truck and fireman's gear to put on, nothing else really mattered!
Keystone in May - the perfect Ghost Town
Todd and I love coming up to Keystone when there is no one else here. It especially is great when the weather is awesome. We love to be able to walk on the path and not get run over by bikers and the boys spend endless hours down by the river. Payson just recently got a fishing pole and is so anxious to try it out!
It was not all playtime - a lot of time was spent helping Daddy plant wildflowers in the backyard.
Wandering around River Run - playing on the swing set and finding the biggest rocks to make huge splashes!
Even the Keystone Winter ski mascot has gone somewhere else for the warm summer months - his doghouse was completely empty!
Checking out the fish at Keystone Lake. Some of the fish are bigger then Disney - our cat!
Walking through the Keystone Resort, we took some rides on the luggage carts and to show off the cool new shades!
This summer I am thrilled to not have a broken wrist, and Todd and I are ready to get the boys golfing. We have a lot of work to do, but both boys love the sport and I think we have some pretty good talent within our family!
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