Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dillon's November To Remember

There was one MAJOR thing that happened in November.  I felt that it deserved it's own post.  Todd went out of the country on a business trip and I decided that it would be a perfect time to potty train Dillon.  YIKES - I was nervous, but Dillon was so ready and so excited.  First, we began with a sticker reward chart and prizes....and potty seats.  Dillon was excited for the Thomas the Train seat.
We stuck close to home on Day 1 and it went well.  A few accidents in the morning, but did great the rest of the day.  I felt like everyone needed a reward after dinner, so off we went to get some Frozen Yogurt - Dillon was so proud!

Payson was a great help - always encouraging to Dillon and even drew him this picture to show the correct steps of using the bathroom.  Step 1 - run to potty.  Step 2 - go potty.  Step 3 - call Mommy to help.
My neighbor and great friend helped me out at the end of the week when I was not sure if we could handle a multiple hour outing.  We went to see Santa and a Christmas Tree lighting.  Dillon loved being out with his friends and did so great that I knew we had mastered the potty training - NO MORE DIAPERS!

Todd nearly fell over half way around the world when I told him what project I had taken on while he was away.  But, again, Dillon did amazing.  It took about a week of sticking close to home, but once he mastered this, he was ready to go anywhere.  And I mean, we have visited potties EVERYWHERE - Target, the grocery store, the library, Payson's school, the mall, etc.  YEA DILLON!

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