Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ski School - Keystone 2012

This ski season Payson is scheduled for many ski lessons and he is very excited. Todd and I can not wait until he is able to go down some runs with us. Dillon wants to be a skier also - and he will be, first up, he has to be potty trained to take a lesson! We headed up to Keystone a few weeks ago for our first lesson of the season. Can you tell he is excited?
While Payson was in his lesson I had the pleasure to ski with my 7-year-old niece, Susie. She is an awesome skiing partner - nothing intimidates her and she is able to ski anything. We had a blast!
We stopped skiing a little early this day to go check out Payson in his lesson - he was excited to show Susie his skills. Here he comes from their afternoon snack break - the teacher is in the background and it is funny to see how they use the hooks on their vests to get the kids anywhere!
Here is a horrible video as the sun was setting behind the mountain, but I wanted to show an action shot of Payson. He informed me in the car home that he was really good at doing french fries with his skis, but still needs to work on his pizza! If you are wondering what Dillon and Daddy did while we skied, check out this video. Daddy and Uncle Ryan took Porter and Dillon sledding behind the house. The last sledding run of the day they decided to send the little boys down by themselves, as you can hear from the big boys, they are pretty impressed they made it over the bump without falling! Heading back for lesson number 2 this weekend - stay tuned.

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