This fall has been a whirlwind of fun activities, but still blows my mind that Dillon is already a year old. Right around his birthday Dillon decided that he hated baby food and wanted nothing to do with being fed. So I quickly had to remember all of the finger food options that were possible to him. Dillon has surprised Todd and I be eating lots of meats and veggies. Both things that Payson did not want anything to do with. Dillon will eat 2 or 3 small turkey meatballs for dinner with green beans, but will turn away the watermelon or bananas that are cut up for him!
We just recently had Dillon's 1 year check up and he tipped the scale at 27.3 pounds. This placed him in the 92% for weight and he was in the 99% for height. Todd is currently accepting college recruiting letters for him, and hopefully Payson too. I pulled out his 1 year stats and he tipped the scale at 29.3 pounds. BIG BOYS!
Almost every evening Dillon and I take a walk, he loves to look for bunnies and sits on the edge of the stroller checking for things. Dillon gets so excited when we see a dog. He will shout out - "Dog, Dog!" over and over again. We walk over to the football stadium at the park most evenings becuase he loves to check out the action going on the field.
Dillon's giggle will make you laugh out loud. The best part is that he finds most things so funny. Especially anything that Payson does or says. They really have started to show that their friendship is going to be so strong. When Dillon and I pick up Payson from preschool, Payson completely ignores me and just runs to give Dillon a hug. Dillon usually responds by whacking Payson on the top of the head, and since Payson laughs, Dillon continues to do it!
I even tried to get Payson to try to hold Dillon still for me to take a picture. That really did not work!
Finally got a great one, just to show what a truly happy baby that Dillon is. Please do not comment on the bruise smack in the middle of his forehead. Dillon's outlet for getting frustrated is to slam his forehead into the hard ground. He does it so quickly I do not have any time to stop him. This particular morning I had to take the tv remote away from him and wham-o, head into the hard wood floor. End result, this lovely bruise!
Not getting a real dog anytime soon, so this Dog Dog will have to do for awhile!
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