So, this is my only picture this day because it rained so hard I was afraid to get my camera out. The positive element to all of the rain is that the lines were super short and quite honestly Payson did not care that it was raining one bit. We spent the morning in Disney making sure we got on all of our favorite rides one last time and then Dillon crashed out for a nap in his stroller, I mean crashed. Took a three hour nap. One reason why the nap was able to go so long was that Todd and I made the responsible decision to get Dillon out of the rain so Todd headed over the the Grand California hotel to sit in the HUGE lobby by the fireplace and warm up. Todd was able to enjoy a few beers and catch up on Sports Center. Payson and I had a hot chocolate and we were off. Back out in the rain and having the best time ever!
Late that afternoon we were off to the airport and soon home to Denver. Both boys crashed out in the car on the way home and I think we pulled into our driveway a little after 11pm. Poor Todd had to get up and go to work the next day, but the little guys and I slept in a bit. When Payson finally woke up I said to him, wow, you really slept hard. Payson's response - I know, I though I was going to break the bed I slept so hard!
I love that kid and yes, we are already planning our next trip out to Disney!

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