It is almost impossible to put into words a perfect vacation. The entire house has been anticipating Disneyland and it definately did not disappoint. We had never been to Disney to participate in their Halloween celebrations, and I recommend it to everyone. Payson was so excited to be dressed in his costume while riding some of his favorite rides. This trip really just proved to Todd and I that we have pretty awesome kids. The love that Todd and I have for Disney is definately there with Payson and Dillon. Day 1 in the park started with walking in the gates at 8:05am and leaving that night at 10:15pm. What a bunch of troopers.
I mentioned a perfect vacation, and there were elements of this vacation that were not so perfect. The weather being one of them, and Dillon on the plane was the second one. I still do not understand Dillon - for the most part he is such a laid back kid. My only way to describe him on the plane is that I felt like I was attempting to tame a wild animal for the entire two hours. Luckily we had the greatest people sitting behind us that helped to entertain him, but man was he wiggly. I told Todd as soon as we landed that I felt like I had just been in a boxing match and that I needed a drink. As soon as we arrived at the hotel, the $9 corona was about the best beer I have ever had!
We arrived on a sunday night, so it allowed us to get settled into our hotel room. Dillon crashed, but Payson thought the hotel room was so cool it was hard to get him to sleep. Finally we succeed as Todd and I prepared for the next day!
As I mentioned, we were some of the first people in the gates on Monday morning. More to come on the weather, but Monday did not disappoint. The day could not of been better. Here are my guys getting ready to walk into the Happiest Place on Earth.
Payson's request was that we ride the Buzz Lightyear ride first. Dillon really liked the Astro Blasters!
Grandad had requested a special report on the Star Wars ride, so although Dillon could ride most rides, this one he could not. Instead it was a win for Payson becuase he would ride the ride once with me and then get to automatically get to ride it again with Todd while Todd and I handed off Dillon. Next time Dillon! Here is Payson with his 3-D glasses on ready to get on his Star Trooper. I was not sure if Payson was going to get scared on this ride, so I leaned over before it started and asked him if he was alright or if he was scared. He responded by saying to me "I am not scared, of Star Wars, I am only scared of Snow White." Ha, ha, thanks to seeing Snow White at a neighbors house, Payson is not a fan of the witch in that movie at all!

This spot was a spot we spent a lot of time at. Standing in line for the Nemo Submarine ride. Payson would ride this ride 100 times in a row if Todd and I would let him. Unfortunately the line is a SLOW moving line, but being the Disney experts that we are, we knew when to hit up this ride. Right when it opened and late at night!

It was so much fun that Aunt Liz and cousin Owen were able to come spend the day with his. As soon as they arrived we headed over to Toon Town to see the Mouse himself. One quick stop in Pluto's dog bed and there he was!
There was Mickey - Dillon was so excited!
Owen is not a big fan of the characters - we need to work on it more with him!
We had a great time playing around in Toon Town. Payson got his first taste of a small Roller Coaster and informed us that he was ready for more. So, we headed over to Big Thunder Mountain.
Payson and I got in line for Big Thunder Mountain and before we knew it we were assigned for the the very front of the train. I was not sure how Payson would react. As an adult you start to realize that the rides seem very short. Not any more for me. Becuase I never knew if Payson was going to get scared or upset I spent the entire ride on edge waiting to see how he would react. No comments from him for the entire ride and as we were pulling into the station, he finally let out one excited yelp. He told me that he had fun, and was ready for more. So Todd and
Payson headed over to Splash Mountain. By random luck, Payson got placed in the very front of the log. I think it might of been a little too intense for Payson. He said he liked it, but the auto picture the ride takes as they come flying down the hill would tell you otherwise. If it was not $24.99 for one picture we would of bought it, it was pretty funny, but I do not think Payson found it too funny. We next rode a family favorite of Winnie the Pooh and then were lucky enough to get a few more character pics!

Payson then politly asked if Owen would like to fight Zurg on the Buzz Lightyear ride, so we introduced Owen to that ride. Like all little boys he really liked it!
Overall it was a fantastic day at Disney with cousin Owen. Owen is in love with Payson and Payson does not disappoint by constantly entertaining him! After a couple more family pics we headed to Downtown Disney for a yummy mexican dinner, then over to the hotel for a quick change into Halloween costumes and then back to the park for Mickey's Halloween party!

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