The best way to burn energy in three little boys!
Dillon's surprised face!
Next up - Frozen Yogurt! The birthday boy got to pick out his own toppings and he went with marshmallows, Fruity Pebbles, and Candy Corn.

Dinner was at Pasta J's with Nana and Granddad. It was a perfect night to go there because it was Kid's night with the most amazing balloon artist! Payson enjoyed his new favorite - root beer!
Payson has been asking for Skylanders Giants for three months - this was very exciting!
I promised Todd not too hard of craft for Payson's party - these lightsabers were NOTHING compared to the Lightening McQueen boxes - but they were a huge hit!
This is why we could not have this many crazy 5 & 6 year old running around our house!
Payson was thrilled when he was able to "fly" over his party guests!
Cake TIME!
Payson surprised everyone with delicious Yoda Soda!
Everything was going great, party was wrapping up, Light sabers were being passed out - and - Robert decided to yell "GET TODD!"
This Mommy was tired - two awesome birthday parties in two weeks. We headed out to dinner and then home to unwrap presents. Can not wait to see what wild and crazy themes we come up with next year!
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